Finding the perfect apartment isn’t as easy as searching for “two-bedroom apartments for rent near me”; it can be a daunting task. With so many factors to consider, knowing what to look for can simplify the process. This checklist will help you make an informed decision when renting your next home.

Rent and Budget

Determine your budget before starting your search. Consider rent, utilities, parking fees and other monthly expenses. Make sure the total cost fits within your financial plan. A general rule is to spend no more than 30% of your monthly income on rent. Understand what's included in the rent to avoid unexpected costs later.

Location and Neighborhood

You know what they say: location, location, location. Proximity to work, schools, public transportation, grocery stores, and other amenities are critical. Check for noise levels, safety, and potential nuisances.

Lease Terms and Conditions

Always read the lease agreement carefully. Look for the length of the lease, renewal terms, and penalties for breaking the lease. Understand pet policies, guest policies, and rules on assignment. Ask about maintenance responsibilities and how to report problems.

Size and Layout

When you type “two-bedroom apartments for rent near me” into your computer, you’ll find units of all shapes and sizes. When you visit a potential unit, check the square footage and room dimensions. Visualize where your furniture will go and ensure there's enough storage space for your belongings. Forthright Properties offers suite types for 1, 2 and 3-bedroom suites for above-average square footage, getting you more bang for your buck!

Bring a List

Attend your viewing of the suite with your wishlist in hand. It can be tough trying to remember all the things you are looking for when you are comparing a few properties, so bring a list that includes some of the items that are important to you and check them off as you go!

Natural Light and Ventilation

An abundance of natural light can enhance your living experience. Visit the apartment during daylight hours to see how much light it receives. Proper ventilation is also important for air quality. Test windows to ensure they open and close easily and check for adequate airflow.

Parking and Transportation

If you own a car, consider the parking options. Ask about availability, cost, and any restrictions. For those relying on public transportation, check the proximity to public transit and bike lanes.

Surrounding Community

The community and available amenities can greatly impact your quality of life. Checkout what the surrounding community has to offer, that would be close to home. Is there a gym, a movie theatre, a park? What items would you value within your community and larger neighbourhood?

Where to Find Great “Two-Bedroom Apartments”

Renting a two-bedroom apartment involves many considerations. If you’re searching for quality two-bedroom apartments for rent in your area, then Forthright Properties can help. We pride ourselves on providing homes and communities that people can call home. Happy hunting!

Learn more about Forthright Properties and how we can assist in finding you the perfect living space.